Download dk tropical freeze
Download dk tropical freeze

I bounced on giant hot-air balloons in the alps, and survived a chase by a deadly buzzsaw in one of those rollercoaster-like minecart stages. I raced through a chaotic savannah as it was wrecked by a tornado that tossed enemies and platforms alike into the air, and a short time later a friend and I swam in search of safety as an enormous octopus tried to poke us with oversized tentacles. Each level delivers a sense of scale that feels bigger than most two-dimensional games, and the visual variety adds to the sense of a much larger journey. I found the world of Tropical Freeze equally impressive. In the end, the Kong you choose to tag along is an important decision, and I enjoyed having the power to choose because it allowed me to approach each stage in a different way. I used Diddy Kong’s familiar jet pack less than the other two, but that shouldn’t dismiss his useful qualities: Thanks to Diddy’s hover ability, I could safely sail over small pits and keep going. One the other hand, Cranky’s cane bounce - which safely allowed me to travel over spiky thorn pits and other enemies - was a useful tool that also came in handy. I often preferred Dixie Kong for her handy helicopter spin, since it helped me reach higher platforms and correct any mistimed jumps. The different abilities of the smaller Kongs often helped keep me alive, and they also empowered me to discover some well-placed secrets. Their furry pelts look great on the TV or the GamePad, and some of the character models have lots of tiny details - right down to the age lines around Cranky Kong’s mouth and his perfect teeth.

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Tropical Freeze gives us 13 hours’ worth of lush jungles and exotic islands to explore, and DK and his friends have never looked better.

Download dk tropical freeze